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our history

We Live to Glorify God in All We Do

Chris and Karen Walsh mat and married at Rhema Bible Training Center, located in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma. Guidelines at Rhema forbid students from getting married while attending school, so when Chris graduated from pastors group on May 21st, 1999, they were married at Rhema Bible Chapel on Monday, May 24th, 1999, with a clear calling from God into Christian ministry. The assignment from Holy Spirit at that time was to return to Canada, to Chris hometown of Ottawa, to pioneer Door of Faith Church, and in 2001 a French chapter of this church, that met in Gatineau, Quebec. Here their first child was born, and they continued to teach and preach usually 6 times weekly there until 2004, when God interrupted their plans and announced that He was sending them back to live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. To support the family, Chris worked as a project manager, learned from his BSc obtained from Carleton University, then as a journeyman carpenter, after the management contract ended. In Tulsa, they ended up in a family shelter, as money ran out, and immigration and union carpentry documentation prevented Chris from working as a union carpenter. For a year, Chris worked for an employment agency, which allowed the family, now with a second precious child to move into an ‘all bills paid’ low income apartment (bugs and bills included). Yet, they knew God sent them to Tulsa, and attempted to find a church home. Rhema was no longer home, as Kenneth E Hagin had died and so they began to visit various other churches around town. Having served as senior pastors for 5 years now, they saw these mega ministries with far different eyes. Then sometime in 2005, as Karen was fighting a virus of some sort, they attended a healing service at Victory Christian Center held in the gymnasium of Victory Christian School. Pastors Billy Joe and Sharon Daugherty prayed for us, and Karen was instantly healed, and pastor Billy Joe confronted Chris about his ministry office and call, demanding to know where he was preaching currently. When I confessed that I was not currently preaching, he ordered a prayer counsellor to ‘Get him preaching immediately’, and then continued with a thunderous commandment from the pulpit as we were leaving service, that left left Chris laughingly saying: ‘This guy is as bold as I am!’ They decided to visit Victory Christian Center, nor knowing that this simple decision to become members there would change them and the nations. Over the next ten years, there were seasons that found them attending or serving in typically seven ministry meetings each week, doing everything from small groups, to children’s services, to teaching adult Sunday school. From that Chris became a cell group leader, starting a cell group designed to help business owners and construction contractors with weekly Bible studies. During the day, life changed dramatically, as Chris in partnership with Tom Brewster, pioneered and incorporated a carpentry company called Grace Interior Trim that eventually employed 20-30 full time contractors each week, performing 5-10 construction contracts every week. This allowed them to help financially support various ministries, and produced vibrant life in the weekly Bible study with other business owners.

In 2008 the Lord instructed Chris to travel to Rwanda, to help Victory missionaries, Parfait and Michelle in the nation of Rwanda. Prayer was offered up, provision came, and for almost 3 weeks, Chris preached and taught in and around Kigali, Rwanda, a nation recovering from genocide. It was here that God dealt with him to again pursue his calling into full time ministry, but with bills, and two precious children to care for, the meatgrinder of running a construction company again took precedence until Pastor Bily Joe Daugherty died in 2009, and suddenly, everything changed again, as often happens when God changes seasons in our lives. In the Spring of 2010, Chris experienced an ‘open heaven’ experience where he claims to have seen Jesus, Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, and the recently passed Billy Joe Daughtery. Here he received a fresh mandate to leave the construction industry and again serve full time in ministry, this time as a missionary, not a pastor. In January 2013, he began full time ministry in AOMMinistries.

In 2019, Chris survived a major stroke with a blood clot in his brain. During time in ICU, it was clear that God was not finished with me yet, and that I would live and NOT die to declare the glory of God.

In 2016, God led Chris to apply to attend grad school at Oral Roberts University, originally in the MDiv program. In 2020 COVID shut down both employment and on campus studies at ORU. Though the employer who was helping with tuition payments terminated employment due to Covid, faith stated that Chris complete his Masters degree from ORU. He switched into the MPM program and transferred his credits from the MDiv to the MPM program and graduated with high honors in August 2021.

COVID turned out to be a great blessing, because our world went online. While satan meant it for evil, the Word of God is never bound: it has allowed us to teach and speak in many more nations, using primarily Facebook live and occasionally Zoom. If you would like us to schedule a prayer or teaching session with your community,  email: [email protected], Some of you like to use WhatsApp, while I don’t answer unscheduled calls, my number is 918 2695350.

Chris Walsh


Chris Walsh is a missionary, the President of AOMMinistries. Having achieved an undergraduate degree BSc (integrated science, Robotics/philosophy) he then attended Rhema Bible Training Center and graduated pastors group in 1999. In 2016 God placed him back in school to study for his Masters in practical ministry (MPM ORU) Chris has worked at many different vocations, with many years experience in the construction industry, and several decades learning leadership principals from the Christian perspective. He has many Bible based books from his three decades of  studies of Gods Word.

Karen Walsh, wife of Chris,serves as Vice-President and Treasurer of the Ministry. She has homeschooled our two precious children Keila and Jedidiah. Keila joined the US Army to fulfill her calling in the healing ministry through the medical profession. She completed her mandatory term of service and is now living out of state. Jedidiah received a supernatural gift of music, suddenly playing keyboard by ear when he was only 4 years old. We received keyboard instruction from Amanda Faught at Victory Christian Center, then under the legendary pastor Willie Davis, where he completed both of their highest levels of instruction. He completed high school with a 3.7 gpa, and currently works full time in the food industry, and still lives with us. Karen graduated Florida Southern College with a degree in education and language. She speaks at least four languages fluently, proven by seven years employment at AVIS answering international calls in Spanish, French, and Portuguese. She also speaks some Hebrew. Karen travelled for 14 years as a short term missionary, primarily translating for international evangelists from USA. God spoke to her to return to Rhema to complete a third year in the pastors/teachers program in 1998, where she met Chris, an international student from Canada. While Chris has been the ‘wild-eyed passionate preacher’ she has been the stable rock holding our family together. As the youngest of seven children that grew up with a father that had an addiction to farming, she is incredibly wise and faithful, enduring hardship as a good soldier of our Lord Jesus Christ. Now that our children are through high school, Karen has taken employment as a public school teacher, teaching Spanish. She will complete her state certification testing requirements this summer, as together we seek Gods clear direction for both of our employments as we continue to grow and build AOMMinistries, and more importantly, the kingdom of God.