A Prayer for Deep Sleep, and Divine Surgery!

Recreate Me!
Ps 51:10 Create in me a pure heart, O God,
A prayer:
‘Father, I see deep inside myself, raging passions, and deep insecurities, even after all of these years of walking with You. I know, that quietly soaking in your presence Holy Spirit, and meditating upon Your Word, will eliminate these, but the harvest is great, and the time is short. I am asking You, that even as you caused a deep sleep to come upon Adam, that You might perform surgery upon Him, that You would do this in me. Cause deep sleeps to come upon me, and perform Your works. Remove from my soul, my fears, my pain, my motives, that are contrary to You and Your Word, that I might fully become the instrument of redemption I am created to be. Where I have been damaged by my sin, and the sin of others, deep within my soul, reach in and recreate me, every whit whole….’ I ask, knowing I am heard, for I ask in Your name Lord Jesus, Amen’