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The Spirit of Absalom – Avoid it!

The Spirit of Absalom
Chris Karen Walsh's photo.
2 Sam 13: 6 And on this manner did Absalom to all Israel that came to the king for judgment: so Absalom stole the hearts of the men of Israel.

David never touched God’s anointed, even when Saul was hunting him in the mountains, and throwing spears at him. When someone comes to you, trying to discredit godly leadership, gently say: ‘Guess we need to pray for them, they have a lot of responsibility’. If the person bringing a bad report refuses to pray, leave. Touch not God’s anointed!
wolves prey
I was in a ministers conference once, and heard a man of God say that it was easy to discover the wolves who entered the flock of God by this simple test. From the pulpit, disclose some personal shortcoming, or moral failure God has forgiven you of. Some personal struggle that Jesus is seeing you through.

The sheep will immediately hit their knees in prayer, for love covers a multitude of sins. The wolves, excited at the sight of blood, will form a gossip network to attempt to destroy you as a leader. Sheep pray, wolves prey. Be one of God’s sheep today.
leaders choice
Let’s pray:
‘Father, you know the difficulties our leaders face, the responsibility they walk in every day. Let me be quick to pray for them, and not to judge them. Protect me from treacherous people, and add to me, people of integrity and honor today, in your name I pray Lord Jesus, Amen”