The Voice of God

Have you ever felt caught in the whirlwind of life?
Job 38:1 ¶ Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind, and said…

Been in a whirlwind lately?
Storms of life looking to take your life?
Clearly, this season, the United States of America is coming out of one – God has spoken and change has come!

There is a voice, that can be heard that will change everything!
He is the God who flung the stars into being, Almighty God, and that clear voice will change everything, for when He speaks, storms stop, deliverance comes, for He is a God of love, mercy and power.
It has been said that sometime God calms the storms of life, other times He calms His child.
His voice is what we all need, daily!
Let’s Pray:
‘Father, yesterday is gone, today has come, and I need you! Speak to me, show me what to do, and have mercy upon me, as I stand upon your Word, and deliver me, I pray: In your name, Lord Jesus, Amen!!”
Prayer Requests: If you or your family need specific prayer for anything, please send us a prayer request. We as a family will pray for you today, and if you would, please let us know the wonderful ways God answers. This is a great encouragement to us