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Missions Banquet – AOM Ministries Newsletter, Feb/March 2014

Missions Banquet - AOM Ministries Newsletter, Feb/March 2014

Feb –March newsletter 2014-03-04

AOM Ministries

Ps 2:8 Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession.
1928 E Oklahoma St, Tulsa, Ok, 74110

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Twitter: ChrisWalsh5
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Like many of you, we are incredibly busy, so this newsletter is going to be short, sweet and full of bullet points!
Mark Your Calenders for:
Our First Annual Support Banquet will be held, Thursday, March 27th, at 7PM, at Crown Plaza Hotel, 7902 South Lewis Avenue Tulsa, Oklahoma 74136
There is limited seating, so, if you could, I need to know if you are coming, and how many people you are bringing, so I know how many meals to provide. It is free of charge, for I must share the vision, and mandates we are working on!
If you are able to sponsor a table or wish to have a display table to advertise your business or ministry.

In no particular order, this is what we are up to:
1. Extended hours of prayer, for the nations, Indian tribes, and many, many ministries, and of course, for you, each day. Since God, will not violate your will, may I encourage you to simply proclaim this today, (and watch what happens!). Father God, every good thing that You have for me today, I believe I receive for my life, through Your great name, Lord Jesus. I receive from the prayer, of Chris and Karen today, Amen!
2. The daily Bible study, still going out there.
3. First Nations: At some point, we will present a testimony of how God has moved through First Nations leaders, in Canada, to the Cherokee, and eventually to the Navajo. I have spent much time preparing notes and power point for these, and I expect great things, as I present. Please pray for favor!
a. Peach Trees for Peace – We are planning a work party and planting ceremony at Window Rock Church of God, in Window Rock, AZ, on April 12th.
b. Gathering of all Nations, tribal conference –July 7-12. We plan to attend.
c. Victory First Nations ministry – we will bless, encourage, and build them, however possible.
d. Research and articles for an upcoming book, entitled ‘Following the Paths of Jesus, among the First Nations peoples of the United States’ As I have studied and wept over the plight of the North American Indian, I am discovering a deep spirituality among the Indian tribes, where they have clearly had many visitations of the Holy Spirit, or of Jesus Christ Himself, personally. Though many of these revelations run contrary to traditional denominational thinking, the authentic visitations of God, our Creator, ALWAYS line up with Scripture. No one is so blind, as he who will not see…I must write this book, to bring balance to the church, both native and non-native, to the precious rituals, traditions, ceremonies, and dances that have been given by God to the tribes, as reflections of worship, that we, the traditional church, urgently, and desperately need, if the United States of America is to be restored to her full destiny, plan and purpose of God.
e. Articles and blogs…As I receive nuggets, I often write articles based upon history and truth. I am a man of truth, and I know His voice, yet research is critical. Just completed the Cherokee history course, and see clearly some things, that I need to compile and type up, that may well be a great blessing and visionary directive to the Cherokee nation, for the next chapter of their existence. To whom much is given…

4. Master Plan: After a year, we have managed to write up a clear and concise Master Plan, encapsulating the clear visionary directives God has called me to. I will print and hand out these out at the banquet. If for any reason, you are unable to attend, please let me know, and I will email you a copy.
5. Books: Clearly, books and articles are going places I cannot! The first book, ‘Parable of the Sower’ has sold here in the US, in England, and now in Europe! Go God!
I have two more books in process:
a. A Prophetic Prayer Strategy to take America back. Clearly the Lord has shown me four key prayer strategies, to blast demonic root systems keeping this nation from the sweeping move of the Holy Spirit, that Heaven longs to bring. These are: Secret societies, the plight of the North American Indian, Racism, and Abortion. Pray I get this complete, and published, quickly. My goal is to have it for the banquet.
b. Following the Paths of Jesus among the First Nations.
6. Social Media: If you recall, I heard pastor Sharon Daugherty make the statement after hearing the vision of a group of businessmen who are determined to put a ‘solar powered smart phone in the hands of every human being by the year 2015’ Overseas, electricity and internet can be intermittent sometimes, but cell phones work! I have seen some business leaders in Africa who can make a smartphone stand up and say BOW-WOW!

Consumers continue to spend more time on social networks than on any other category of sites—roughly 20 percent of their total time online via personal computer (PC), and 30 percent of total time online via mobile.

Presently the Bible study and blogs, are on 10 Social Media, although only 8 of them are active today (experiencing problems with Pinterest and Redditt).

When I led my first Muslim youth to Christ, in an aggressively closed Muslim country, over the internet, I saw the possibilities the internet provides for the gospel. Presently there are 500 Social Media listed on Wikipedia, and many countries have their own networks.
I have discovered that the Word of God, published here, is literally alive!
Ac 6:7 And the word of God increased;
Ac 12:24 But the word of God grew and multiplied.
As I simply create and post these Bible reading plans, devotionals, and blogs, I am seeing some things too good to measure! Connecting with leaders internationally, encouraging one another, and receiving anointed words from other proven leaders, has been and continues to be an incredible flow of the life of God.
The testimonies, signs, wonders, miracles, that occur daily in my inboxes, is a wonder to behold, as God Himself, honors His Word, with signs following.

7. Bible Schools: I am convinced of this:
2 Peter 1:3 According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue:
3 Whereby are given unto us exceeding great and precious promises: that by these ye might be partakers of the divine nature, having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust.
4 EVERYTHING we need in this life, and for all eternity, has already been given to us, by God, ONLY through these exceedingly great and precious promises.
5 To requote, the great missionary Jim King, when asked which was the greatest impact in the earth for the kingdom of God. “Jim, is it the great mass evangelistic crusades, the wonderful church planting movements, or what?” Quietly, he said: ‘If all you can do, is hold a crusade, surely, do that, that people can go to heaven, but wherever possible, plant a Bible School, for the fruit of that school will be greater than you can imagine’

Seems that the greatest requests for schools has come from the nation of Kenya. If my records are correct, I have had 49 requests for schools, from the nation of Kenya alone. Seems that God knows what he is doing! A friend of mine, David Rackliff, is returning to Kenya, appointed by Victory, as the national directors of the IVBI’s there. I spoke with David, and he is returning to Kenya to live full time this month, and I am giving him all of my contacts, friends there. I am very, very excited about this!

1 Cor 3:6 I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
7 So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase.
8 Now he that planteth and he that watereth are one: and every man shall receive his own reward according to his own labour.
9 For we are labourers together with God: ye are God’s husbandry, ye are God’s building.

Seems that I stir some things up internationally, with my blogs and Bible studies, that it is kind of like gold mining. Sometimes you need to move tons of dirt, to glean precious nuggets of gold, so I write, and pray, and press, and answer myriad prayer requests, to liase and connect with leaders globally, to pioneer Bible schools, that I know, will empower them to change their nations! Seems like we are working towards our goal of 100 schools, and it will happen, by faith, in the grace of God, this year!

Prayer Requests:
1. Karen’s parents: Margaret and Ted Loyer. We just returned from Naples, Florida, to attend their 60th wedding anniversary. They still live alone, in the country, and dad had a very painful fall, that broke his collar bone and tore up the ligaments in his right elbow. He is 85 now, and is legally blind. We love them, and hate seeing them suffer, feeling so helpless living so far away.
2. The banquet: Laborers, Sponsors, Intercessors. Much work to be done.
3. A vehicle. We have been without wheels for some time now, and we need transportation.
4. Consistent flow of revelation, anointing, life, strength, provision, with continual signs, wonders, and miracles following the Word of God.

My name is Karen Walsh and I approved this message! LOL!

Sponsor Letter:

Dear Friend,
We are having our first annual missions banquet. I need your help.
We are having it on March the 27th, from 7-9PM, in the banquet hall of the Crown Plaza Hotel, next door to Victory Christian Center, located at 7700 S Lewis, here in Tulsa. Please come and join us, and learn about all the incredibly neat things we are doing for the kingdom of God.

Brad Stien is organizing this banquet for me, and he has done over 300 of these.
I am looking for people to sponsor a table of 8 people, at the banquet at a cost of $280.00/table.
That way, the night of the banquet, all the expenses associated with the banquet are already paid beforehand, people can enjoy their meal, and hear about what we are doing. Any offering that comes in that night, goes 100% to the support of the ministry.
I will try and call you tomorrow, to talk about this, and if you are able, would love to see you at Golden Corral on the 27th.
I am working very, very hard to see the call of God fully manifest in our family, and it has been an interesting journey of faith.

Keep Smiling!

Jesus is Lord!

Chris Walsh