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The Flicker…

A Word from the Lord:

The Flicker: Child, Even so I have heard your cries that have ascended to my throne, in passion and anguish of soul. I have answered, in ways to great for you to fully comprehend right now. Your emotions have been tattered and torn, and your soul feels as if you have given up, yet you have said “YES!” to the whisper of my voice. Repeatedly I have come to you, for decisions of your heart, and though weary, you have continued to say ‘Yes’ to my perfect will and my way. Gently, keep saying “Yes”. This flicker of faith, is all I require of you, as the heavy machinery of heaven is moving in great power on your behalf, to fully manifest your gift and calling. As fervently and determined as you have purposed in your heart to serve Me, know this: I am even more determined to bring to pass that which I have shown you in years past. I have spoken, and I will surely bring it to pass!