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The Worlds Hatred, Overcome!

The World’s Hatred
Hate love
John 15:
18 “If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first. 19 The world would love you as one of its own if you belonged to it, but you are no longer part of the world. I chose you to come out of the world, so it hates you.

The worldly system, that is the ordered systems of the world that are governed by the mind and thinking of the ‘god of this world’ are the enemies of God and us His church victorious in the earth.

I would encourage you to read this small book by Watchman Nee, entitled ‘Love Not the World’.

It has been my experience, that as I fully obey Jesus, I run up against this system quite frequently, and I see it two fold:

  1. It is a system of policies and procedures that work well in ordering things, micro-administration that controls one’s everyday actions with an iron fist, similar to the Nazi regime in days gone by. Great order, no love, no life.
    dead fish
  2. It can also be a set of rules and regulations that have now become traditions, that have outlived their improving the human condition, they become objects of oppression, that no longer even need demons to manage, they are simply dead legalistic rules, sterile, devoid of life and purpose, that quietly strangle the life, joy and love of the people ruled by them.

Read the book, brother Nee has some great thoughts to share, then get up and live for Jesus today.


If you are a child of God, you have the life of God burning within your heart. This life, activated by faith, will create, build, serve, work, love, and bring life to a dying and decaying world.

Walk with Jesus today, and make an eternal difference on this war torn, broken world.

Let’s Pray:

‘Father God, refill me today with precious Holy Spirit. By faith, I stir up the gift You have given me, and I choose to love, live, and flow in You this day, led by You fully King Jesus. Amen!’