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Prosperity – Power With God


 The man at Gate Beautiful:

Acts 3:5 And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them.
6 Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk.
7 And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength.
8 And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God.

Let’s read a couple more verses:

Ex 16:18 And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating

Ps 34:10 The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing.

Pr 28:27 He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse.

This begger knew something about the people of God:
1. They gave to the poor.
2. They did not lack for anything.
3. God’s covenant operating in their life supplied not only their individual needs, but enough for the people around them.

Deut 8:18 But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day.

What this beggar did not yet understand, is that God’s covenant gives POWER to get wealth. This guy was crippled, and thought he needed money, but what he really needed was the power of God to heal him so he could get up and go to work.

God’s prosperity in not just financial, rather the power of God to meet every human need, freely available, only through Jesus the anointed one!

Let’s Pray:
“Father God, I ask you to release your prosperity into my life today, in your name Lord Jesus, Amen’

'True Prosperity is the Power of God! .Acts 3:5  And he gave heed unto them, expecting to receive something of them. 6  Then Peter said, Silver and gold have I none; but such as I have give I thee: In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth rise up and walk. 7  And he took him by the right hand, and lifted him up: and immediately his feet and ankle bones received strength. 8  And he leaping up stood, and walked, and entered with them into the temple, walking, and leaping, and praising God. Ex 16:18  And when they did mete it with an omer, he that gathered much had nothing over, and he that gathered little had no lack; they gathered every man according to his eating Ps 34:10  The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the LORD shall not want any good thing. Pr 28:27  He that giveth unto the poor shall not lack: but he that hideth his eyes shall have many a curse. This begger knew something about the people of God: 1.	They gave to the poor. 2.	They did not lack for anything. 3.	God’s covenant operating in their life supplied not only their individual needs, but enough for the people around them. Deut 8:18  But thou shalt remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that giveth thee power to get wealth, that he may establish his covenant which he sware unto thy fathers, as it is this day. What this beggar did not yet understand, is that God’s covenant gives POWER to get wealth. This guy was crippled, and thought he needed money, but what he really needed was the power of God to heal him so he could get up and go to work. God’s prosperity in not just financial, rather the power of God to meet every human need, freely available, only through Jesus the anointed one! Let’s Pray: “Father God, I ask you to release your prosperity into my life today, in your name Lord Jesus, Amen’'