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The Amidah Prayer

There is much I could say about this, and in time, I will. For now, here it is:


As many of you know, I wrote a paper for Dr. Brad Young, that has sparked wonderful dialogue between Christians and Jews:

I have encouraged Christians to pray the Amidah.

The prayer is as follows:


Acknowledging God’s Character


 The God of Creation and Giver of Love

Blessed are You, O Lord our God and God of our ancestors, God of Abraham, God of Isaac, and God of Jacob, the great, mighty, and revered God, the most high God, who graciously gives loving-kindness.  You create all things; You remember the pious actions of the patriarchs, and in love will bring a redeemer for their children’s children for Your Name’s sake.  O King, Helper, Savior and Shield.  Blessed are You, O Lord, the Protector of Abraham.


 The God Who Works Miracles.  You are Lord, all-powerful forever, You resurrect the dead; You are mighty to save.  You sustain the living with loving-kindness, resurrect the dead with great mercy, support the falling, heal the sick, release the prisoners, and uphold Your faithfulness to them that sleep in the dust.  Who is like You, Lord of mighty acts and who resembles You, O King, who orders death and restores life, and causes salvation to come forth? And You are faithful to resurrect the dead.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who resurrects the dead.


 “Holiness” and the Name of God.  We will sanctify Your Name in the world even as they sanctify it in the Heavens, as it is written by the hand of Your prophet:  And they called one unto the other and said, Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord of Hosts:  the whole earth is full of His glory.  Those over against them say, Blessed—Blessed by the glory of the Lord from His Place.  And in Your Holy Words it is written, saying, The Lord reigns forever, you God, O Zion, unto all generations.  Praise you the Lord.  Unto all generations, we will proclaim Your greatness, and to all eternity we will tell of Your holiness.  Your praise, O our God, shall not cease from Your mouth forever, for You are a great and holy God and King.  Blessed are You O Lord the holy God.  You are holy, and Your Name is holy and the holy ones praise You every day.  Blessed are You, O Lord, the holy God. 

Seeking Spiritual Insight and Awakening

Request for Understanding.  You favor people with knowledge and teach human beings understanding.  O favor us with knowledge, understanding, and applied wisdom from You.  Blessed are You, O Lord Gracious Giver of knowledge.

Returning to God for Repentance.  Make us return, O or Father, unto Your Torah.  Draw us near; our King, back into Your service, and bring us again in perfect repentance into Your presence.  Blessed are you, O Lord, who delights in repentance.

Request for forgiveness.  Forgive us, O our Father, for we have sinned.  Pardon us, O our King, for we have transgressed, because You do pardon and forgive.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who is gracious and forgives a multitude of wrongs.

Requesting Divine Help for Personal Needs

Request for Freedom from Affliction.  Look upon our affliction and fight for our cause.  Redeem us speedily for Your Name’s sake because You are a mighty Redeemer.  Blessed are You, O Lord, the Redeemer of Israel.

Request for Healing.   Heal us, O lord, and we shall be healed.  Save us and we shall be saved.  You are our praise.  Provide a perfect healing for all our wounds; because You, almighty Kings, are a faithful and merciful physician.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who heals the sick of Your people Israel.

Request for Financial Prosperity.  Bless this year for us O Lord our God, together with every kind of the produce there is from it, for our wellbeing.  Provide a blessing upon the face of the earth.  Satisfy us with Your goodness, and bless our year like other good years.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who blesses the years.

Seeking divine help for the Jewish People, Society, and Community Needs

Request to Gather the Exiles of Israel to Their homeland.  Blow the great shofar horn of our freedom.  Raise the standard to gather our exiles, and bring us together from the four corners of the earth.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who gathers the dispersed of Your people Israel.

Prayer Seeking the Establishment of the Kingdom of Heaven.  Restore our judges as at the beginning, and our counselors as in former times.  Remove from us sorrow and sighing.  Reign over us, O Lord, You alone, in loving-kindness and tender mercy and justify us in judgment.  Blessed are You O Lord, the King who loves righteousness and justice.

Request for Protection from Enemies.  Let there be no hope for slanders and let all wickedness perish as in a moment.  Let all Your enemies be speedily cut off.  May You root out, break off, bring down, and cause the ruin of the reign of evil speedily in our days.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who breaks the enemies and humbles the arrogant.

Request for Mercy upon God’s People.


Seeking Deliverance and Restoration for the Divine Plan and Future Hope

  1. Request for the Rebuilding of Jerusalem. With tender mercies return to Jerusalem, Your city, Your presence will abide in her midst as You have promised.  Rebuild her soon in our days as an everlasting building and speedily establish in her the throne of David.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who builds Jerusalem.
  2. Prayer for the Branch of David. Speedily cause the Branch of David, Your servant, to spring forth.  With your saving power, raise up the horn of his strength because we wait for Your salvation all the day.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who causes the horn of salvation to spring forth.
  3. Request for Prayers to Be Answered. Answer our voice, O Lord our God.  Free us and have mercy upon us, and accept our prayer in compassion and favor because You are God who answers prayers and supplications from Your presence, O our King, turn us not empty away, because You hear with mercy the prayer of Your people Israel.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who answers prayer.
  4. Request to Restore Temple Service. Accept with divine favor, O Lord our God, Your people Israel and their prayer.  Restore the worship to the inner sanctuary of Your house.  With compassion receive in favor both the offerings of Israel and their prayer, and may the worship of Your people Israel be ever acceptable to You.  Let our eyes witness Your return with compassion to Zion.  Blessed are You, O Lord, who restores His divine presence to Zion.
  5. Giving of Thanks to God for His Mercy. We give thanks to You, for You are the Lord our God and the God of our ancestors forever and ever.  You are the Rock of our lives, the Shield of our salvation throughout every generation, we will give thanks to You and proclaim Your praise for our lives, which are committed into Your care, and for our souls, which are under Your charge and for Your miracles which are daily with us, and for Your wondrous acts and your benefits, which are worked at all times, evening, morning and noon.  O You who are all-good, whose mercies do not fail; You who are all merciful, whose loving-kindnesses never cease, we have hope in You.  Because of all this, let Your name, O our King be blessed and be highly exalted continually, forever and ever.  All living beings will give thanks to You, selah, and they will praise Your name in truth, the God of our Salvation and of our help, selah!  Blessed are You, O Lord, the Good One is Your name, and so to You it is fitting to give praise.
  6. Request for Peace. Give peace, well-being, blessing, grace, loving-kindness and mercy to us and to all of Israel, Your people.  Bless us, O our Father, even all of us together, with the light of Your countenance because by the light of Your countenance You have given us, O Lord our God the Torah of life, the love of mercy and righteousness, blessing, loving-kindness life and peace.  May it be good in Your sight to bless Your people Israel at all times and in every hour with Your peace.  Blessed are You O Lord, who blesses Your people Israel with peace.

From Jesus and the Rabbi’s, by Dr. Brad Young of Oral Roberts University.
rabbi Brad